Madeleine Albright: Global Responsibility: Europe, the US and the Refugee Crisis

IWMVienna Publicado el 18 abr. 2016

Leadership for Global Responsibility - World Bank Initiative

CAP WorldBank GIZ Publicado el 15 may. 2014 Co-creating a Collective Action Platform to enhance Global Responsibility.

MOOC Leadership for Global Responsibility Webinar 17.04.2014

Publicado el 17 abr. 2014 - Webinar session of the MOOC Leadership for Global Responsibilty 2014 about "Mindfulness as a Leadership Practice" by Susan Piver


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ID Título Url Descripcion Número imagen_t Imagen
84 Madeleine Albright: Global Responsibility: Europe, the US and the Refugee Crisis IWMVienna Publicado el 18 abr. 2016 1 ../imagenes/videos/f5f754_0e284cdcc5.jpeg
85 Leadership for Global Responsibility - World Bank Initiative CAP WorldBank GIZ Publicado el 15 may. 2014 Co-creating a Collective Action Platform to enhance Global Responsibility. 1 ../imagenes/videos/7f4935_e521955973.jpeg
86 MOOC Leadership for Global Responsibility Webinar 17.04.2014 Publicado el 17 abr. 2014 - Webinar session of the MOOC Leadership for Global Responsibilty 2014 about "Mindfulness as a Leadership Practice" by Susan Piver 1 ../imagenes/videos/df4064_eb5509f4c5.jpeg
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